Oceana Announces Bill to Ban Shark Fin Trade

Dustin Titus
June 24, 2016

Washington, DC (June, 24 2016)

On Thursday morning, award-winning actor and longtime Oceana advocate Morgan Freeman joined Oceana and members of Congress to announce the introduction of a new bill to ban the trade of shark fins in the United States.

In 2000 and again in 2010, Congress addressed the issue of shark finning in U.S. waters with the Shark Finning Prohibition Act (SFPA) and Shark Conservation Act (SCA), ultimately making it illegal to remove any fins from a shark at sea, transfer any fin from one vessel to another vessel, or land any fin that is not naturally attached to the corresponding carcass.

The United States took an important step towards reducing the shark fin trade worldwide. Oceana applauds the leadership of the bill’s supporters in helping to end the shark fin trade in the United States.

For more information on the Oceana Bill please see their Press Release

Written By:

Dustin Titus

Managing Director and Conservation Enthusiast. Dustin manages United Conservationists by night and and builds Fin Free by Day.